
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

It is with a heart full of gratitude that I am informing you that ALL
of my financial support has been raised!  The last of it came in
today.  God has been so gracious in providing, and you all have been so
faithful to His call to give.  I would not be here without you, and I
thank you for allowing me to have the experiences I have had over the
last eight months.  YOU have ministered here in England by being a part
of my team.

I’ll be heading home in about two weeks, but I still don’t have a job
lined up.  I would greatly appreciate your prayers for that.

Finally, once I return to the States I will not be updating this blog
anymore as I will no longer be part of the AIM FYM program.  But I know
you all just love being able to hear all about what’s happening with me
and what random thoughts are floating around in this head of mine
(haha), so I have set up another blog:  Although the blog is set up, I won’t be posting until after May 15th, so keep checking this one for updates on my last two weeks in England.

In Christ,