
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

On Monday, Ian asked me to write a “blurb” for the church magazine at St. Andrew’s.  Basically he wanted me to write something about my time working with St. Andrew’s.  As I thought back over the last 8 months, I realized just how much I have been blessed by the people of this little church in Higher Blackley.

The people
of St. Andrew’s have humbled me with the love
and fellowship they have shown me during my time here. I leave feeling as though I have received so
much more than I could ever have given.
From the very beginning, I have experienced nothing but welcome, encouragement,
and love. God knew what He was doing
when He brought me into this community

It has been a privilege to work
alongside the people of this church as they seek to impact the lives of the
people of Blackley. I am grateful that I
was able to help plant and water some seeds, but I am even more grateful to
leave with the knowledge that the planting and watering (which started before I
came) will continue. I have been greatly
encouraged and even challenged by the people of St.
Andrew’s and their desire to share God’s love with the people around them, both
inside and outside of the church.

It’s hard to believe that I only have three more weeks with this wonderful community of people.  Leaving here is going to be just as difficult as it was for me to leave home back in September.  I’m beginning to understand Paul’s longing to revisit many of the churches he had worked with… and I haven’t even left yet!

Please join me in praying for them as they continue to seek God’s vision and purpose for their church in their community.

In Christ,