So… I can’t believe how much the events at Virginia Tech have affected me. I have a cousin who graduated from there last year, but other than that, I don’t know anyone there. But I’ve still been moved to tears a number of times this week as I’ve heard stories and seen pictures. On Monday night at choir rehearsal, we sang through a song called “Still”. It talks about being sustained by our relationship with God even through hard times. I think so often when tragedy like this happens we get frenzied and start searching for answers and trying to blame people or guns or whatever, but what we really need to do is find our hope in Christ and just to be still and know that God is God. His sovereignty can never be turned off; He will always be in control even when we don’t think He is, and that is where we find comfort, peace, strength, etc. in the midst of chaos and pain and fear.
I guess part of the grieving process for me was to create something. So I made a video using photos from the events and that song, “Still”. I wanted to share it with you. My prayer for everyone directly affected by this tragedy is that they will take the time to be still and know that God is God, to turn to Him for comfort and strength.